Saturday, July 29, 2006

92nd Tennies-Snyder Family Reunion

Minutes of the 92nd Tennies-Snyder Family Reunion

The 92nd Tennies-Snyder Family Reunion was held Saturday, July 29, 2009, at Midway Park in Maple Springs, NY. 70 people attended.

Business Meeting:

The 95th reunion of the Tennies-Snyder family was called to order by President Vicky T. on July 29, 2006, with De T. as emcee.

Thanks were given to the hosts Beth H. and Jay and Angie T., and to Jay for saying Grace before the meal. Vice President Kristin Z. was not present because she had gotten married the previous evening. Secretary Ken K. was not present, but Brian T. took the minutes in his stead. Treasurer Jay T. was present.

It was announced that an election for president, treasurer, and secretary was needed this year. Vicky was nominated and re-elected president. Jay was nominated and re-elected treasurer. With no other nominees for the other positions, the officers will remain the same for the next year, in hopes of a more successful election taking place at the 93rd reunion.

The treasurer reported a beginning balance of $78, the same as we ended with last year. The ending treasury balance was $197. The scholarship fund’s beginning balance was $1633.96. Ed M.’s widow, Sarah, sent a $100 check to add to the scholarship fund. The scholarship fund’s ending balance was $2001.21. No scholarship applications had been received, but a motion was made for Erin K. to receive a scholarship.

A suggestion was made that there be nametags at next year’s reunion.

It was decided that the 93rd reunion would again be held at Midway Park. The state has purchased Midway, but the park won’t change much in the next year nor will its fees. A hat was passed around to collect donations for the general fund to rent the pavilion for next year, an $80 fee. A reservation was made for a pavilion for next year, but Midway wouldn’t take the fee payment at this time. The date for the 93rd reunion will be July 28, 2007, the last Saturday in July. The hosts for the 93rd reunion will be Beth H., Jay and Angie T., and Lonnie and Mary Lou C.

Following the business meeting, an auction took place with Brent as the bid caller. The auction raised $197 for the scholarship fund.

A prayer of benediction was given by Herb T. in closing.

Respectfully submitted by Brian Turner.