Saturday, July 28, 2007

93rd Tennies-Snyder Family Reunion

Minutes of the 93rd Tennies-Snyder Family Reunion

The 93rd Tennies-Snyder Family Reunion was held Saturday, July 28, 2007, at Midway Park in Maple Springs, NY. 48 people attended.

Business Meeting:

The 93rd reunion of the Tennies-Snyder family was called to order by President Vicky T. with Jay T. as emcee at 1:50 p.m.

Thanks were given to the hosts Lonnie & Mary Lou C., Beth H., and Jay & Angie T. Grace was offered before the meal by Harry L. In addition to President Vicky T., Vice President Kristin Z., and Treasurer Jay T. were present. Secretary Ken K. was not present, but Brian T. took the minutes in his stead. Nominations were opened for the officer positions, but none were given, and so all of the officers were reelected. Harry and Kay L., who are missionaries in Taipei, Taiwan, were welcomed as special guests.

A hat was passed to collect money to cover the $80 rental fee for the pavilion and for postage costs. Midway Park has changed hands and is now owned by the state. A vote was held to decide whether to hold the reunion at Midway again in 2008. The vote passed to do so.

The treasurer reported a starting balance of $197 from the end of last year’s reunion. The 2/19/07 bank statement reflected an $80 pavilion rental fee, a $21 expense, a $9 expense, a $30 hosting fee, and a $101 expenditure. $41 was spent on postage for the invitations. As of 7/28/07, the treasurer reported a balance of $87. With the money from the hat that had been passed the treasury’s new balance came to $137.

Thanks were given to Paul T. for making invitation brochures. Nametags were donated by Wayne M., costing $5 a piece, and people were encouraged to either return them or bring them back next year. Mabel Marie and Art G. sent a letter explaining that they couldn’t attend due to health problems and the distance.

Vicky T. reported for the scholarship committee. A $10 anonymous donation had been given and the money from the auction would go toward the scholarship fund. Applications for scholarships were received from 1) undergraduate Jennifer R., granddaughter of Pauline F.; undergraduates 2) Griffin M. and 3) Sara M., great-grandchildren of Howard E.; grad students 4) Brian T. and 5) Cheryl V., grandchildren of Lucile W.; 6) grad student Kristin Z., great-granddaughter of Clara A.; undergraduates 7) Seth and 8) Ethan S., grandsons of Paul T.; and 9) undergraduate Amanda H., granddaughter of DeForest T. It was also noted that 10) Erin K., granddaughter of Margaret B., had not received her scholarship money from last year which still needed to be awarded. Vicky reported a $2002.21 balance in the scholarship fund. A motion was approved to give $100 to each of the scholarship applicants.

A suggestion was made by Helen T. for the family to assist with the buying of ride tickets for the kids. A motion passed encouraging each family to donate $5 for ride tickets. This money would then be pooled and divided equally to offset the ride ticket costs. A check to cover this cost can be mailed early, if desired, to Jay T. Paul T. also mentioned adding a postcard to the invitations asking for reasons why family members weren’t attending the reunion.

The date for the 94th reunion was set for July 26, 2008, the last Saturday in July, and Pavilion #8 was reserved at Midway Park. Midway is holding the same rates for next year, but if a raise in the rates should occur, they will send a letter to Jay T. Midway wouldn’t accept any money at this time, but Jay will pay later.

Lonnie C. introduced the idea of a family newsletter that would be distributed on a regular basis to provide updates on family members, births, and deaths. Other suggestions included sending a newsletter over email, emailing notices to Jay or Paul T., creating an online Yahoo! group, or creating a MySpace page with messages, news, and pictures for the family. This last suggestion was offered by Kristin Z. and she agreed to set this up. (This has been done and the address is: Instructions on how to upload pictures, etc. are on the site.)

For next year, the officers will remain the same. The hosts for the 94th reunion will be Lonnie & Mary Lou C. and Jay & Angie T. Thanks were offered to De & Norma T. and Robert who worked on the grill and cooked the hotdogs. Paul encouraged family members to send him address changes if the invitation had been forwarded or there was a change of address.

A cup was passed for the kid’s fund to help with ride tickets. $25 was collected. The annual auction took place at 2:15 p.m. $114.24 was raised from the auction for the scholarship fund.

Respectfully submitted by Brian Turner.

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