Saturday, July 25, 2009

95th Tennies-Snyder Family Reunion

Minutes of the 95th Tennies-Snyder Family Reunion

The 95th Tennies-Snyder Family Reunion was held Saturday, July 25, 2009, at Midway State Park in Maple Springs, NY. Fifty people signed the sign-in book.

Business Meeting:

The 95th reunion of the Tennies-Snyder family was called to order by President Vicky T. at 1:37 p.m.

The officers were introduced. President Vicky T. and Vice President Kristin Z. were present. Secretary Kenneth K. was present but yielded his position to Brian T. who agreed to be the secretary. Jay T. was absent but resigned as treasurer, and Kelsi and Lonnie C. agreed to take on the position of treasurer.

It was announced that Belle B. was celebrating her ninetieth birthday, and so “Happy Birthday” was sung. Birthday cake was shared and family members were invited to share memories in a journal.

There was a reminder to sign the sign-in book and provide address changes. An announcement regarding the Kids Ride Fund was made, and three individuals made use of it. A hat was passed around to raise money for the pavilion and postage costs. The hat raised $147. The family was asked whether to meet at Midway Park again next year, and the decision was made to do so, meeting again on the last Saturday of July: July 31, 2010.

Vicky T. reported for the scholarship committee. Its account has a balance of $1382.46. Applications for scholarships were received from 1) Cheryl V., great-granddaughter of Edith M., for nursing school at Tallahassee Community College; 2) Kelsi C., great-granddaughter of Clifford T., for undergraduate studies at Jamestown Community College; and 3) Timothy T., great-grandson of Inez M., for undergraduate studies at The Ohio State University. A motion was approved to give money to each of the scholarship applicants. It was noted that last year the money raised by the auction had gone toward the Kids Ride Fund since there were no scholarship applications, but that this year it would go back to being for the Scholarship Fund.

Old Business: Belle B. was announced as the oldest member of the family in attendance. Family members applauded, and Belle was given first choice from the auction items.

New Business: Vicky encouraged family members to consider running for election as officers next year. There were questions about the family webpage that had been set up. The page is found on the MySpace website at To log in to the page, click the log-in tab and use for the email and 1family for the password. A blog has also been set up at

As of July 25, 2009, the Kids Ride Fund had a balance of $77.25 and the treasury had a balance of $256.60.

The meeting was adjourned at 1:54 p.m. The auction was then held with De T. calling the bids, and it raised $118.30 for the Scholarship Fund. As of July 25, 2009, the Scholarship Fund had a balance of $1500.76.

Respectfully submitted by Brian Turner.

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