Saturday, July 31, 2010

96th Tennies-Snyder Family Reunion

Minutes of the 96th Tennies-Snyder Family Reunion

The 96th Tennies-Snyder Family Reunion was held Saturday, July 31, 2010, at Midway State Park in Maple Springs, NY. Fifty-nine people signed the sign-in book.

Business Meeting:
The business meeting was called to order by President Vicky T. A prayer was given by Herbert T. The first order of business was the election of officers:
-Vicky T. to remain as President
-Kristin Z. to remain as Vice President
-Lonnie C. as Treasurer
-Brian T. as Secretary (in absentia—congratulations to Brian on his recent marriage).

The minutes of the 95th reunion, by Brian T., were reviewed and approved. The location of the 97th reunion was agreed to be at the park at Midway. The same pavilion will be reserved.

The treasurer’s report indicated a balance of $255.35. A check for $90.00 for the pavilion was written. A check for petty cash of $75.00 including $70.00 for postage was written to Lonnie Clark. The remaining balance is $90.35. The hat was passed with $145.00 raised for the scholarship fund. The Auction proceeds of $121.10 are to be divided $61.10 to the general fund and $60.00 for ride tickets for the children.

An expression of congratulation was made to Belle B. on the occasion of her 91st birthday, with the wish for her ability to come to many future reunions.

Respectfully submitted by Kenneth K., for Brian Turner, July 31, 2010.

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