Saturday, July 31, 2010

96th Tennies-Snyder Family Reunion

Minutes of the 96th Tennies-Snyder Family Reunion

The 96th Tennies-Snyder Family Reunion was held Saturday, July 31, 2010, at Midway State Park in Maple Springs, NY. Fifty-nine people signed the sign-in book.

Business Meeting:
The business meeting was called to order by President Vicky T. A prayer was given by Herbert T. The first order of business was the election of officers:
-Vicky T. to remain as President
-Kristin Z. to remain as Vice President
-Lonnie C. as Treasurer
-Brian T. as Secretary (in absentia—congratulations to Brian on his recent marriage).

The minutes of the 95th reunion, by Brian T., were reviewed and approved. The location of the 97th reunion was agreed to be at the park at Midway. The same pavilion will be reserved.

The treasurer’s report indicated a balance of $255.35. A check for $90.00 for the pavilion was written. A check for petty cash of $75.00 including $70.00 for postage was written to Lonnie Clark. The remaining balance is $90.35. The hat was passed with $145.00 raised for the scholarship fund. The Auction proceeds of $121.10 are to be divided $61.10 to the general fund and $60.00 for ride tickets for the children.

An expression of congratulation was made to Belle B. on the occasion of her 91st birthday, with the wish for her ability to come to many future reunions.

Respectfully submitted by Kenneth K., for Brian Turner, July 31, 2010.

Thursday, July 30, 2009

Tennies-Snyder Family Blog

This blog is for the Tennies-Snyder Family's use. I created it to go along with the family MySpace page. I'm wondering if Blogger might be more easy to use for many family members and contain less annoying ads than MySpace.

If you would like to post something on this blog, please email for directions on how to post or send your posting directly to the email address and it will be posted for you.

-Brian Turner

Saturday, July 25, 2009

95th Tennies-Snyder Family Reunion

Minutes of the 95th Tennies-Snyder Family Reunion

The 95th Tennies-Snyder Family Reunion was held Saturday, July 25, 2009, at Midway State Park in Maple Springs, NY. Fifty people signed the sign-in book.

Business Meeting:

The 95th reunion of the Tennies-Snyder family was called to order by President Vicky T. at 1:37 p.m.

The officers were introduced. President Vicky T. and Vice President Kristin Z. were present. Secretary Kenneth K. was present but yielded his position to Brian T. who agreed to be the secretary. Jay T. was absent but resigned as treasurer, and Kelsi and Lonnie C. agreed to take on the position of treasurer.

It was announced that Belle B. was celebrating her ninetieth birthday, and so “Happy Birthday” was sung. Birthday cake was shared and family members were invited to share memories in a journal.

There was a reminder to sign the sign-in book and provide address changes. An announcement regarding the Kids Ride Fund was made, and three individuals made use of it. A hat was passed around to raise money for the pavilion and postage costs. The hat raised $147. The family was asked whether to meet at Midway Park again next year, and the decision was made to do so, meeting again on the last Saturday of July: July 31, 2010.

Vicky T. reported for the scholarship committee. Its account has a balance of $1382.46. Applications for scholarships were received from 1) Cheryl V., great-granddaughter of Edith M., for nursing school at Tallahassee Community College; 2) Kelsi C., great-granddaughter of Clifford T., for undergraduate studies at Jamestown Community College; and 3) Timothy T., great-grandson of Inez M., for undergraduate studies at The Ohio State University. A motion was approved to give money to each of the scholarship applicants. It was noted that last year the money raised by the auction had gone toward the Kids Ride Fund since there were no scholarship applications, but that this year it would go back to being for the Scholarship Fund.

Old Business: Belle B. was announced as the oldest member of the family in attendance. Family members applauded, and Belle was given first choice from the auction items.

New Business: Vicky encouraged family members to consider running for election as officers next year. There were questions about the family webpage that had been set up. The page is found on the MySpace website at To log in to the page, click the log-in tab and use for the email and 1family for the password. A blog has also been set up at

As of July 25, 2009, the Kids Ride Fund had a balance of $77.25 and the treasury had a balance of $256.60.

The meeting was adjourned at 1:54 p.m. The auction was then held with De T. calling the bids, and it raised $118.30 for the Scholarship Fund. As of July 25, 2009, the Scholarship Fund had a balance of $1500.76.

Respectfully submitted by Brian Turner.

Sunday, July 27, 2008

Lily Zappie Baptism

This is a photo from the baptism of Lillian "Lily" Michelle Zappie, daughter of James & Kristen (Bates) Zappie, at the Tritown United Methodist Church in Brocton, NY, on Sunday, July 27, 2008. I assisted the Rev. Richard Ricker in baptizing Lily.

From left to right: Brian Turner, James Zappie, the Rev. Richard Ricker holding Lily, Kristen Zappie.

-Brian Turner

Saturday, July 26, 2008

94th Tennies-Snyder Family Reunion

Minutes of the 94th Tennies-Snyder Family Reunion

The 94th Tennies-Snyder Family Reunion was held Saturday, July 26, 2008, at Midway State Park in Maple Springs, NY. Fifty-one people attended.

Business Meeting:

The 94th reunion of the Tennies-Snyder family was called to order by President Vicky T. at 1:50 p.m.

Thanks were given to the hosts Lonnie & Mary Lou C.; co-hosts Jay & Angie T. were unable to be present being at home with their sick daughter. Thanks were also given to the grillers De & Norma T. and Robert. Nametags were given out to family members, and the sign-in book was passed around. President Vicky T. and Vice President Kristin Z. were present. Treasurer Jay T. and Secretary Ken K. were not present, but Brian T. took the minutes. All officers were re-elected for next year.

The treasurer’s report was shared, with a starting balance of $256 from the end of last year’s reunion. $107.40 was given to Paul T. to cover the mailing expenses and $90 was spent on the pavilion rental fee. The balance as of 7/25/08 was $60.60. During the reunion, a jar was passed to collect money to cover future costs. $114 was collected in the jar, bringing the treasury total to $174.60 as of 7/26/08. The beginning balance for the Kids Ride Fund was $33. Additional donations brought it to a total of $48 as of 7/25/08.

A discussion took place on the location of the reunion for 2009. It was decided to once again hold the reunion on the last Saturday in July (July 25, 2009). Alternate locations for the 2009 reunion which were suggested included 1) Long Point State Park, which costs $6 per car, 2) Bear Lake, where the Dickinsons own a pavilion ⅓-¼ the size of the one at Midway with running water and an outhouse, 3) Hanover Park, which has pavilions half the size of Midway but is free, 4) Falconer Park, which would require a Falconer resident, and 5) Hundred Acre Park, which didn’t seem to be an option. After considering these suggestions, a motion was made to stay at Midway for 2009, which passed. Reservations for Midway have to be made 9 months in advance.

It was reported that some members of the family couldn’t come because of the ride prices: $15 is too much for what rides are available. In the past, ride tickets were subsidized by $5 per child, but tickets also cost less then. It was noted that more people would come to the reunion if the ride tickets cost less or were subsidized. It was reported that 12 children were present at the reunion this year. The Kids Ride Fund had $48 to give out for rides, which was not enough to provide $5 for each child. De made a motion that the money from this year’s auction (which usually goes to the Scholarship Fund) should go toward the Kids Ride Fund to subsidize ride tickets for next year. The motion passed.

The Scholarship Committee reported a balance of $1200. No scholarships were requested for this year.

Thanks were given to Paul T. for handling the invitation and the mailing list. Paul noted that the mailing list isn’t completely correct because he had received some changes, but he would send a disk with the Access file updates. He included postcards for feedback with the invitations and received 11 back about why they couldn’t come. Mabel Marie G. wrote again this year that she wouldn’t be able to attend. De T. noted that the Hoxie children are now holding their own reunion, also held today. People were instructed to leave their nametags before they left, and Mary Lou would take them home to keep until next year. Paul said that he would contact Wayne M. about making more nametags for those who don’t have one and that maybe if we can pay for it Wayne can make some more.

Kristin Z. reported that she had set up a family webpage on MySpace, and sheets were handed out with directions on how to access it. The webpage can be a place to post pictures or leave notes. It was also suggested that a list of family illnesses could be compiled, either on the webpage or maybe sent to someone to keep track of.

The auction took place at 2:25 p.m. with Kristin doing the bid calling. $107.25 was raised, which will go toward the Kids Ride Fund for next year.

Respectfully submitted by Brian Turner.

Saturday, July 28, 2007

93rd Tennies-Snyder Family Reunion

Minutes of the 93rd Tennies-Snyder Family Reunion

The 93rd Tennies-Snyder Family Reunion was held Saturday, July 28, 2007, at Midway Park in Maple Springs, NY. 48 people attended.

Business Meeting:

The 93rd reunion of the Tennies-Snyder family was called to order by President Vicky T. with Jay T. as emcee at 1:50 p.m.

Thanks were given to the hosts Lonnie & Mary Lou C., Beth H., and Jay & Angie T. Grace was offered before the meal by Harry L. In addition to President Vicky T., Vice President Kristin Z., and Treasurer Jay T. were present. Secretary Ken K. was not present, but Brian T. took the minutes in his stead. Nominations were opened for the officer positions, but none were given, and so all of the officers were reelected. Harry and Kay L., who are missionaries in Taipei, Taiwan, were welcomed as special guests.

A hat was passed to collect money to cover the $80 rental fee for the pavilion and for postage costs. Midway Park has changed hands and is now owned by the state. A vote was held to decide whether to hold the reunion at Midway again in 2008. The vote passed to do so.

The treasurer reported a starting balance of $197 from the end of last year’s reunion. The 2/19/07 bank statement reflected an $80 pavilion rental fee, a $21 expense, a $9 expense, a $30 hosting fee, and a $101 expenditure. $41 was spent on postage for the invitations. As of 7/28/07, the treasurer reported a balance of $87. With the money from the hat that had been passed the treasury’s new balance came to $137.

Thanks were given to Paul T. for making invitation brochures. Nametags were donated by Wayne M., costing $5 a piece, and people were encouraged to either return them or bring them back next year. Mabel Marie and Art G. sent a letter explaining that they couldn’t attend due to health problems and the distance.

Vicky T. reported for the scholarship committee. A $10 anonymous donation had been given and the money from the auction would go toward the scholarship fund. Applications for scholarships were received from 1) undergraduate Jennifer R., granddaughter of Pauline F.; undergraduates 2) Griffin M. and 3) Sara M., great-grandchildren of Howard E.; grad students 4) Brian T. and 5) Cheryl V., grandchildren of Lucile W.; 6) grad student Kristin Z., great-granddaughter of Clara A.; undergraduates 7) Seth and 8) Ethan S., grandsons of Paul T.; and 9) undergraduate Amanda H., granddaughter of DeForest T. It was also noted that 10) Erin K., granddaughter of Margaret B., had not received her scholarship money from last year which still needed to be awarded. Vicky reported a $2002.21 balance in the scholarship fund. A motion was approved to give $100 to each of the scholarship applicants.

A suggestion was made by Helen T. for the family to assist with the buying of ride tickets for the kids. A motion passed encouraging each family to donate $5 for ride tickets. This money would then be pooled and divided equally to offset the ride ticket costs. A check to cover this cost can be mailed early, if desired, to Jay T. Paul T. also mentioned adding a postcard to the invitations asking for reasons why family members weren’t attending the reunion.

The date for the 94th reunion was set for July 26, 2008, the last Saturday in July, and Pavilion #8 was reserved at Midway Park. Midway is holding the same rates for next year, but if a raise in the rates should occur, they will send a letter to Jay T. Midway wouldn’t accept any money at this time, but Jay will pay later.

Lonnie C. introduced the idea of a family newsletter that would be distributed on a regular basis to provide updates on family members, births, and deaths. Other suggestions included sending a newsletter over email, emailing notices to Jay or Paul T., creating an online Yahoo! group, or creating a MySpace page with messages, news, and pictures for the family. This last suggestion was offered by Kristin Z. and she agreed to set this up. (This has been done and the address is: Instructions on how to upload pictures, etc. are on the site.)

For next year, the officers will remain the same. The hosts for the 94th reunion will be Lonnie & Mary Lou C. and Jay & Angie T. Thanks were offered to De & Norma T. and Robert who worked on the grill and cooked the hotdogs. Paul encouraged family members to send him address changes if the invitation had been forwarded or there was a change of address.

A cup was passed for the kid’s fund to help with ride tickets. $25 was collected. The annual auction took place at 2:15 p.m. $114.24 was raised from the auction for the scholarship fund.

Respectfully submitted by Brian Turner.

Saturday, July 29, 2006

92nd Tennies-Snyder Family Reunion

Minutes of the 92nd Tennies-Snyder Family Reunion

The 92nd Tennies-Snyder Family Reunion was held Saturday, July 29, 2009, at Midway Park in Maple Springs, NY. 70 people attended.

Business Meeting:

The 95th reunion of the Tennies-Snyder family was called to order by President Vicky T. on July 29, 2006, with De T. as emcee.

Thanks were given to the hosts Beth H. and Jay and Angie T., and to Jay for saying Grace before the meal. Vice President Kristin Z. was not present because she had gotten married the previous evening. Secretary Ken K. was not present, but Brian T. took the minutes in his stead. Treasurer Jay T. was present.

It was announced that an election for president, treasurer, and secretary was needed this year. Vicky was nominated and re-elected president. Jay was nominated and re-elected treasurer. With no other nominees for the other positions, the officers will remain the same for the next year, in hopes of a more successful election taking place at the 93rd reunion.

The treasurer reported a beginning balance of $78, the same as we ended with last year. The ending treasury balance was $197. The scholarship fund’s beginning balance was $1633.96. Ed M.’s widow, Sarah, sent a $100 check to add to the scholarship fund. The scholarship fund’s ending balance was $2001.21. No scholarship applications had been received, but a motion was made for Erin K. to receive a scholarship.

A suggestion was made that there be nametags at next year’s reunion.

It was decided that the 93rd reunion would again be held at Midway Park. The state has purchased Midway, but the park won’t change much in the next year nor will its fees. A hat was passed around to collect donations for the general fund to rent the pavilion for next year, an $80 fee. A reservation was made for a pavilion for next year, but Midway wouldn’t take the fee payment at this time. The date for the 93rd reunion will be July 28, 2007, the last Saturday in July. The hosts for the 93rd reunion will be Beth H., Jay and Angie T., and Lonnie and Mary Lou C.

Following the business meeting, an auction took place with Brent as the bid caller. The auction raised $197 for the scholarship fund.

A prayer of benediction was given by Herb T. in closing.

Respectfully submitted by Brian Turner.